Soil Testing
Soil testing is an invaluable tool for any business that deals in soil or plant health. The only way to get optimal crop growth is to have optimal soil conditions and only a soil test will give you this information.
It is the cheapest tool available on the path to maximum productivity, sustainability and profit. Basic pH or CEC tests are simply not enough to provide good, cost effective soil management. Surveys consistently show that only 1 in 3 Australian farmers have regular soil tests conducted. That’s an astonishing 66% who do not have an accurate picture of their soil health.
The test will show not only what nutrients are in your soil, but more importantly what nutrients are available to your specific crop and in what amounts. A good, crop-specific pH level is also essential, however the required pH level will only indicate the ideal levels for nutrient release but not whether those nutrients are actually present in the required amounts.
Imbalanced soils will not only perform below par but will also be more likely to ‘lock up’ essential nutrients such as phosphate. A soil test will unravel all of these complex interactions and provide a clear and accurate assessment together with any recommendations to create a healthy, balanced soil environment.

We work with several labs depending on your requirements. Ranging from and specialising in fully comprehensive soil testing to particle size analysis to NATA accredited labs for Civil Works, all of the labs we use are fully independent of any fertiliser manufacturer or distributor and will therefore never try to sell a specific brand. We have a complete freedom to source and supply the absolute best products available for our customers.
Swep Analytical Laboratories
SWEP is one of Australia’s leading, fully independent, certified laboratories conducting their business worldwide. We have many of our products tested there and because of their expertise, range of tests and speed of turnaround, we are proud agents of theirs by choice. We can supply you with a Test Kit with full instructions on how and where to collect your samples and can liaise with you, if you wish, to discuss the results.